Applied Technologies can assist with Cable, Fibre Optic or Satellite Internet. 

Contact Them today on 02825 220110 to arrange a FREE no-obligation site-visit.

Internet Provision

Whether You Need Cable, Fibre Otic or Sattelite? 

We Can Help.

Are you looking for the best local internet provider? With the ever-evolving world wide web, it’s essential for businesses to have reliable internet to stay competitive. Whether you need cable, fibre optic, or satellite internet, the Applied Technologies Group can help you find the perfect connection.

Fibre optics is the latest technology for businesses that require speed, data storage, and reliability. It’s also easier to install than traditional cabling systems, making it a popular solution for building upgrades and new developments.

If fibre optics isn’t an option, satellite internet is your next best bet. It’s wireless, and multiple devices can be connected without affecting speed or reliability. Plus, it’s great for areas with limited access to other internet services.

At the Applied Technologies Group, we provide fair pricing and quality service. We can help you choose the best internet services for your business needs, so you can focus on the other aspects of your business and succeed. Get in touch with us today to find out more!

internet and

Modern Business

There are several reasons why businesses need reliable internet nowadays:


1) Communication: Reliable internet allows businesses to communicate efficiently with customers, clients, and employees through emails, video conferences, and various messaging platforms.

2) Cloud-based services: Many businesses rely on cloud-based services for storing data, backup solutions, and software applications. A stable internet connection is crucial for accessing and utilizing these services effectively.

3) E-commerce: With the rise of online shopping, businesses need a strong internet connection to run their e-commerce websites, process online payments, and manage inventory.

4) Remote work: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote work. Reliable internet is essential for employees to work remotely, access company resources, and collaborate with colleagues.

5) Research and information: Businesses often need to conduct research, access industry information, and gather data from the internet. A reliable connection is important for quick and efficient access to these resources.

6) Marketing and advertising: Many businesses rely on digital marketing and advertising strategies to reach their target audience. Reliable internet enables businesses to run online campaigns, monitor analytics, and engage with customers effectively.

Overall, reliable internet is crucial for businesses to stay connected, access vital resources, and operate efficiently in the digital age.

Reliable Internet

A Necessity For Business Nowadays.